If it is still relevant. It used to be a telfort site (Yellow color).
Probably never owned by T-mobile.
When i was spotting GSM sites around the year 2000, I made this map of The Haque.
The site accros the street is owned by vodafone (orange color)
T-mobile/Odido is now sharing that location.
So for the antenna lovers here a little piece of history.
Ah that sucks. Going to be expensive as a crane is needed to get all the stuff off the roof and disposed of properly and at least two people two work on the roof. Not sure if any type of insurance covers that. Maybe the costs can be charged to the former owner of the building as a ‘verborgen gebrek’ but I have no clue about that.
You could contact TripleA Networks, one of the leading contractors for Odido that I work for as a freelancer, sadly they’re based in Aalten but we do work all over the country. Otherwise try Turris, they’re based in Garderen.
I’m not sure if they are allowed to as it is not their stuff, weirdly enough the equipment belongs to no-one anymore I guess so I’m not sure what is allowed and what’s not, especially if a smart meter is still connected to the cabinet on the ground. If this wasn’t removed as well. If it isn’t it could be quite a difficult thing to get that removed.
Yes, l already spoke with the insurer, but indeed, they do not want to cover anything. If there is damage during the de-instalation then I will be liable.
The previous owner is gone and the VVE is not helping since they transferred all the responsibility to me.
After speaking with so many people from so many institutions including the municipality, ministry, VVE and the i-Max folks, I am under the impression that I am the owner of the equipment and I need to take care of this safety hazard. I guess that if the iron pole falls on the street and kills someone I might be liable for not inspecting and removing the hazard. I am not sure I want to go that way, so I need to try to prevent all this.
I was thinking of offering the equipment for free of charge to someone who would like to remove it. I am confident that there is copper and tons of iron that can pay for the bill for the service. Do you think that this would work out?