Combination Masts

Hi all!

Long time unregistered lurker. first time poster.

Inspired by @Jeffrey’s Mast van de maand post about the WAS-pole / telecommunication antenna combination and casually mentioning there are 4-5 of this sites around & running accidentally to @The_Wireless_Guy’s post about a few others. I tried to see what I could find.

It looks like Oxperts Antenna Sites. B.V has been redeveloping a few originally for Tele2 and now for KPN. They mention “Since 2012 Oxperts Antenna Sites has redeveloped 11 WAS-towers for mobile operators and 35 WAS-towers for an IoT-provider.”

I was able to find a few sites they had contacted the local authorities about redeveloping the WAS-poles. But no antennas seem to be installed or at least I far I could tell. Not in antennakart , neither on cellmapper, nor on street view. But also like half of those street views are from 2010.

Raadhuislaan, Eemnes

Info:Collegebesluitenlijst Eemnes 22 maart 2016 - Gemeente Eemnes

Roerdromp, Broek op Langedijk.


Meentsestraat, Giebeek


Herman Meddensplein, Nunhem, Limburg

Info: Zoekresultaten voor “Herman Meddensplein” – Dorpsraad Nunhem (gemeente Leudal)

And now there is a permit for the construction of a "combi-mast met verlichting, sirenes en een antenne-installatie voor mobiele telecommunicatie” in The Hague.

Info: Gemeenteblad 2021, 345802 | > Officiële bekendmakingen

I was wondering if you guys know any other sites ? And if there is any diversity in the antenna installations or if basically due to the monopole they all operate more or less the same ?

The Hague site is close to me so I will try to keep an eye for the construction! Get some picture if anyone is interested!

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Eemnes, Broek op Langedijk and Giesbeek were all in development stage for Tele2 but were never built. Their development was not taken over by T-Mobile with the T-Mobile/Tele2 merger.

The mast in Nunhem might be one for KPN looking the their masts in this area.

The location in The Hague is a strange one. KPN and T-Mobile just occupied a newly built mast end 2019/mid 2020 in the woods near this address.
See Google streetview where you just can see T-Mobiles and KPNs antennes peaking above the trees:

From the “bekendmakingen” page you will not finder the requestor. I also doubt it will be Voadfone as they would neatly fit on the mast between the antennas of T-Mobile and KPN. You will indeed have to follow the progress by visiting the place.